With bulletins charting titles such as ‘The Next Sensation’ ‘The Ground-breaking Revolution’ and ‘The New Meaning of Digital’, a rise in the momentum of businesses around Web 3 was anticipated. The concept of Metaverse has been gaining popularity for a while now, and while it might not be a new concept for those who are aware, it is yet to see the face of mass adoption.
The word got picked up in the ears of a larger audience when Facebook changed its name to Meta, thus implying subtle dominion as well as its belief in the accelerating virtual world.
But what is Metaverse?
This virtual-reality space allows ideas to float, users to interact, and brands to build and sell within a 3D environment. It makes markets more accessible for users and helps manage finances void of private institutional control.
Swinging in the phase of development and education right now, the growing awareness shall change the approach from the mainstream audience to be more welcoming and not as gated as now.
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